Welcome to Chareads, the online hub that brings together my book reviews and bookish YouTube videos.
Contrary to most bookish people, I hated reading as a child. Apart from Twilight and the occasional book for English Lit, you would not find me within 6 feet of a book.
When I discovered the joy of reading aged 20, I learned so much I decided I wanted to share that joy with everybody, so I made a YouTube channel called Chareadzard (in my first video I stated I would never regret naming it that—I was wrong).
Six years later, Chareadzard has evolved into Chareads, and I now make a monthly wrap-up video of all the books I’ve read in a month, and individual in-depth reviews for specific books.
I hope you can find your new favourite book here, and feel free to email me at hi@cha.rs if you have any questions or suggestions for the site.

A couple of faves to get you going: